मिरा हायाजु- Thanks for this comprehensive note on Hydrology, particularly focusing on Chapters, it provides valuable insights into the field of engineering hydrology. This is helpful.
इन्दिरा खड्गी- Thanks for this detailed information about engineering hydrology, Chapter 5. This is helpful.
अनिल के.सी- Thanks for this comprehensive resource, this is extremely helpful.
सुश्री फुमिनी श्रेष्ठ- Assessing flood wave generation and propagation in urban areas using hydrological models is essential for efficient water resource management.
नानु श्रेष्ठ- Hydrology in Pokhara University's engineering faculty focuses on natural and artificial systems' interactions.
मल्लीका पाण्डे- "Pokhara University engineering notes - Hydrology Chapter 5 is crucial for undergraduate students."