प्रतिभा गुरुङ्ग- Thanks for this note Chapter 4 of Engineering Hydrology, this is helpful.
लक्ष्मी पाण्डे- Thanks for this course description, understanding the structure of engineering hydrology helps clarify my expectations for studying this subject. This is helpful.
चाँदनी आचार्य- Thanks for this overview of Chapter 4 in Engineering Hydrology, this is helpful.
माधुरी शर्मा- Thanks for this note The Hydrologic Cycle. This is helpful.
रामजान पन्त- Hydrological processes in Pokhara are significantly influenced by Himalayan topography.
महेश के.सी- The significance of water cycle as a vital part in sustaining Pokhara University engineering note
शुशान्त पोखरेल- Analysis of hydrological processes in catchments with potential impact on infrastructure development needs.
Pokhara University engineering note
Chapter 4 focused extensively on flood control systems and water management strategies.