सुश्री प्रिया दाहाल- Thanks for this note on old questions, this is helpful.
मनोज थापा- Thanks for this note a list of commonly asked questions about hydraulic engineering. This is helpful.
निरज महर्जन- Thanks for this interesting tidbit about engineering hydrology, I'd like to explore further. This is helpful.
(Update: Also note that "Old Question" is the title of a research paper in the 1990s on sedimentation processes in rivers.)
मुकुन्द मुस्लीम- Thanks for this note on engineering hydrology. This is helpful as it addresses a long-held question.
अरुणा श्रेष्ठ- Old Question Was Addressed in Pokhara University -Engineering Notes
The engineering hydrology department of Pokhara University has provided valuable details on various topics.
देबकी के.सी- Hydroological modeling forPokhara University's civil faculty has employed water resource management in the upper hills,
राम पाण्डे- "Understanding water flow in Pokhara University, noting old question, seeking clarification on civil engineering hydrology applications."