मेन्खु शंकर- Thanks for this lecture notes on Hydrology, this is helpful.
सरोज शाह- Thanks for this note, as it covers some crucial topics in engineering hydrology. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it covers a critical aspect of civil engineering that deals with the practical applications of hydrologic principles. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it provides an overview of theoretical concepts related to water flow and sediment transport in natural systems. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it offers explanations on surface water resources management for engineers working in civil society. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it delves into the principles of groundwater recharge and quality engineering in various hydrological environments. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it highlights theoretical concepts that are essential to understanding hydrology-related technical issues in water resource development projects. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it discusses the integration of hydrological methods with other disciplines such as geography and environmental science for informed decision-making. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as it gives a comprehensive overview of theoretical concepts related to rainwater harvesting and treatment systems designed by engineers for various applications. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as you've provided detailed explanations on water storage systems developed in several countries with varying economic backgrounds. This is helpful.
Thanks for this note, as the principles covered will greatly help civil engineering students like me better understand this field further in their projects and future academic pursuits. This is helpful.
रश्मि मित्तल- Thanks for this note on Theory of Hydrology, this is helpful.
आलोक सापकोटा- Thanks for this note "Theory Notes" and helpful resources, also note that theory is important when conducting field studies.
सरस्वती राणा- Understanding River Flow Using DRA Equation A great summary helps improve memory and understanding of key concepts. Pokhara University engineering note.
The Difference Between Groundwater and Surface Water is critical. Understanding these types of flow systems is essential for hydrology. Applying the Differential Drainage Rate (DRA) equation can help solve complex problems involving river flow, water tables, and drainage basins.
श्रीमती उर्मिला गुरुङ्ग- Civil Engineering Study Group, Pokhara University notes on hydrology are crucial for designing efficient drainage systems in Kathmandu.
सविता श्रेष्ठ- Engineering Hydrology concepts are crucial for Pokhara University's College of Engineering. Focus on watershed dynamics, land use and drainage systems in terms of capacity analysis and flood control mechanisms.