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2022 Fall Past Question Paper

Problem Solving Techniques (PST)

IT Engineering

First Semester

Fall 2022 PST past question paper


  • मिना शर्मा
    मिना शर्मा- Thanks for this useful resource, here's a tip to help you: • Use the format and style of your university or institution's guide for common exam questions. Help with your mathematics courses. This is helpful.
  • कमला श्रेष्‍ठ
    कमला श्रेष्‍ठ- Problem Solving Techniques (PST) is a relevant and useful note. This helps with understanding the context of what fall 2022 PST refers to in your academic institution. Thank for this note - its clarity aids comprehension of PST at university level.
  • प्रकाश नेपाली
    प्रकाश नेपाली- Thanks for this note helpful. Fall 2022 PST past question paper
  • सुश्री शान्ती भट्टराई
    सुश्री शान्ती भट्टराई- Thanks for this helpful notes on Fall 2022 PST past papers.
  • इन्दु गुरुङ्ग
    इन्दु गुरुङ्ग- Thanks for these problem solving techniques (PST) resources, this is helpful.
  • लक्ष्मी राठी
    लक्ष्मी राठी- The students need to develop more practical problem-solving skills. Problem solving is not just about memorizing equations. Students should think strategically for problems often. Creative thinking and logic can greatly improve solutions. In math, developing a systematic approach helps make sense. Critical thinking involves considering multiple factors always. Mathematical modeling can help visualize the solution process effectively. Developing problem-solving skills in mathematics are helpful. The best time to begin working on problem solving techniques is early To solve mathematics problems properly consider all possible approaches carefully
  • अरुणा दुगल
    अरुणा दुगल- Understanding of mathematical and analytical techniques is essential for problem-solving in engineering.
  • राम प्‍याकुरेल
    राम प्‍याकुरेल- Analytical problems require step-by-step solutions incorporating logic and deduction techniques in problem-solving strategies. Analyzing data involves identifying patterns, relationships, and causes using logical inference skills. Applying mathematical concepts such as data modeling and graph theory can also be effectively combined in problem analysis methods to achieve a holistic understanding of the issue at hand systematically.
  • इभा तण्डुकार
    इभा तण्डुकार- Analysis of problem solving techniques involves deductive reasoning, induction, and inductive generalization methods.