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2023 Fall Past Question Paper

Problem Solving Techniques (PST)

IT Engineering

First Semester

Fall 2023 PST past question paper


  • दिपक खड्का
    दिपक खड्का- Thanks for this note based on the provided information, useful reading material.
  • श्रीमती केमा न्यौपाने
    श्रीमती केमा न्यौपाने- Thanks for this note, helpful for notes.
  • महेश जोशी
    महेश जोशी- Thanks for this note helpful.
  • श्रीमान जयन्द्र श्रेष्‍ठ
    श्रीमान जयन्द्र श्रेष्‍ठ- Thanks for this list of fall 23 PST questions, this would be very helpful.
  • रबीना प्रजापति
    रबीना प्रजापति- Thanks for this note Fall 2023 PST past question paper is a crucial resource that students can refer to during their preparations. This format typically provides a detailed solution to each problem, helping students understand the concepts and problems better. It's also useful for identifying areas where they need more practice or review.
  • सन्जय श्रेष्‍ठ
    सन्जय श्रेष्‍ठ- Students rely on techniques to organize data and visualize results effectively.
  • सरीता बेगानी
    सरीता बेगानी- Problem Solving Techniques are crucial for success in engineering courses, particularly at Pokhara University Engineering. Develop analytical thinking skills using the SWOT method before approaching problems.
  • थिन्ले पोखरेल
    थिन्ले पोखरेल- Effective problem solving techniques involve analysis, identification of solutions and implementation.
  • इन्द्र रेग्मी
    इन्द्र रेग्मी- POKHara University Engineering students can improve problem-solving skills using graph theory and coding techniques to tackle numerical problems effectively.