Premium CSS Course

CSS Properties

CSS properties define the specific styles that are applied to HTML elements. These properties are used to control aspects such as layout, colors, fonts, and spacing, allowing you to design the visual structure of a website.

Commonly Used CSS Properties

1. Layout Properties

These properties are used to control the layout of your page elements, such as width, height, margin, padding, and display types.

2. Text and Typography Properties

These properties are used to style text and control typography-related elements like font size, weight, line height, and more.

3. Color and Background Properties

These properties are used to set the color of elements, including text, background, borders, etc.

4. Positioning Properties

These properties are used to control the positioning of elements on the page. You can set the position relative to the page or other elements.

5. Flexbox and Grid Properties

Flexbox and CSS Grid are layout models that allow you to create complex, flexible, and responsive layouts. Here are some of their most common properties.

Best Practices for Using CSS Properties