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Chapter 3: Operators

C Programming

Civil Engineering

First Semester

Notes on operators in C


  • इन्दु शाक्य
    इन्दु शाक्य- Thanks for this note notes on operators in C, provides explanations and concepts of various operators in C programming language. Helps with study.
  • मिरा थापा
    मिरा थापा- Thanks for this note regarding chapters in C Programming, particularly on operators. This helps in reinforcing my understanding of the syntax and usage of different types of operators in this programming language.
  • भगवती लोहनी
    भगवती लोहनी- Thanks for this note about chapter 3 of our compiler course, especially those related to C programmers and syntax. Thanks for this note regarding chapters in our compiler courses particularly dealing with C programming language and syntax.
  • रमा कक्षपति
    रमा कक्षपति- Thanks for this note useful.
  • मानसी सिंह
    मानसी सिंह- **Operators and Control Flow** **Introduction:** Basic operators are essential to understand **Arithmetic**: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division **Assignment**: dot, comma, equals sign for assignment operators **Comparison**: equality, inequality comparison operators (==, !=) **Bitwise Operations**: AND, OR, XOR for bitwise operations
  • लक्ष्‍मी खनाल
    लक्ष्‍मी खनाल- Operator overloading and operators in standard library also cover bitwise operations which are essential for any efficient computer program.
  • बबि राजकर्णिकार
    बबि राजकर्णिकार- Infinite loops are caused by faulty condition checks as shown below: