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RK Bansal Textbook

Strength of Materials

Civil Engineering

Third Semester

Textbook by RK Bansal for Strength of Materials


  • भरत मानन्धर
    भरत मानन्धर- Thanks for this note, the textbook helps clear the concept of materials science and its application in real-life situations. However, I had been using another textbook before this one, and now it seems to have become a definitive reference point among students.
  • सुश्री रमिता भिमसरीया
    सुश्री रमिता भिमसरीया- Thanks for this note comprehensive textbook resources, this is helpful on structure analysis.
  • श्रीमान प्रकाश शर्मा
    श्रीमान प्रकाश शर्मा- Thanks for this note on the textbook provided, "RK Bansal Textbook" is helpful in understanding the concepts of strength of materials.
  • मन्दीरा रेग्मी
    मन्दीरा रेग्मी- Thanks for this note RK Bansal textbook for Strength of Materials, a reliable resource covering the fundamentals of material science and its applications in various fields.
  • सुश्री निमा श्रेष्‍ठ
    सुश्री निमा श्रेष्‍ठ- The use of coupons and discounts effectively reduces the cost per unit of measure is critical in material science applications.
  • श्रीमान हरि मित्तल
    श्रीमान हरि मित्तल- Discussing the fundamentals of strength of materials in the third semester with a civil faculty title and RK Bansal textbook is crucial research material.
  • गीता पोखरेल
    गीता पोखरेल- "Strength-of-Materials-Module-by-RK-Bansal-The-Tenth-Edition-Is-A-Fail-safe-option-in-BHU."
  • अशोक पन्‍त
    अशोक पन्‍त- The concept of failure loading has significant impact on structural integrity.