सुश्री विमला राणा- Thanks for these sample survey outlines, this resource could be really helpful.
हर्क राठी- Thanks for this note NCIT notes for Survey I. This helps prepare me for survey 1 in your civil faculty classes.
साइमु गोयल- Thanks to this note, I've gained a deeper understanding of key concepts in Survey I. This is helpful.
विद्या सिलवाल- Thanks for this resource, this is helpful.
खड्ग लोहनी- Thanks for this note providing detailed information on NCIT notes for Survey I. This is helpful.
दिप न्यौपाने- Review of previous note on Survey I, Civil Engineering
Key concepts included in the survey are material properties and structural performance.
Examinations focus on understanding basic engineering principles and problem-solving skills.
सुश्री रश्मि अग्रवाल- "I found it helpful to consult Pokhara University Engineering Notes for NCIT survey preparation and revision."
दिलिप के.सी.- Study materials are mostly available on Pokhara University's website, but specific study resources like textbooks and past papers could be helpful.
गणेश सिटौला- "Understanding survey concepts such as slope and angle in civil engineering is crucial in designing infrastructure."
"Courses cover material properties, structural analysis, and computational methods like finite element analysis."
"In surveys of survey data collection techniques, students learn from NCIT's expertise on GPS and photogrammetry applications.