लिलालक्ष्मी मानन्धर- Thanks for these chapter notes, this helps me visualize and clarify key points.
श्रीमान अशोक अमात्य- Thanks for note on survey, it's helpful.
अमित जोशी- Thanks for this note chapter 2 survey. This note has been very helpful in understanding the topic of civil chapters 2 and preparing my final answer.
दिप गुरुङ- Thanks for these Chapter 2 notes, this is helpful.
श्रीमान प्रकाश गौतम- This chapter covers urban planning and transportation strategies in densely populated cities.
Effective mixed use development is essential for sustainable growth in urban areas.
Urban design principles should prioritize pedestrian-friendly spaces over car-centric routes always.
रा्जेन्द्र पाण्डेय- Pokhara University civil engineering chapter 2 covers groundwater surveying and well construction.
बबि देउजा- Chapter 2 Civil Engineering Notes Pokhara University, Review of Structure, Building Control, and Surveying Material List.
दुर्गा शाक्य- The role of the civil engineering faculty in Pokhara University is a significant one as highlighted in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2, focused on materials science,
covers various aspects like structural analysis and design.
Key principles are discussed with emphasis on reliability.