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Importance Formula and Theorem

Fluid Mechanics

Civil Engineering

Third Semester

Important formulas and theorems for Fluid Mechanics


  • शान्ती शाह
    शान्ती शाह- Thanks for this note about important formulas and theorems in Fluid Mechanics, particularly Newton's law of viscosity. This is helpful.
  • श्रीमती शशी सिंह
    श्रीमती शशी सिंह- Thanks for this note "Important Formulas and Theorems for Fluid Mechanics," this is helpful.
  • स्मृती मल्ल
    स्मृती मल्ल- Fluid Mechanics deals primarily with flow and pressure differences across moving boundaries.
  • शान्त श्रेष्‍ठ
    शान्त श्रेष्‍ठ- Fluid mechanics involves various formulas such as Poiseuille's law, Bernoulli equation, and others. At Pokhara University Engineering note contains importance formulas and theorem for fluid mechanics.