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Notes by Sumit Poudel

Hydropower Engineering

Civil Engineering

Seventh Semester

Compiled Notes


  • पुष्‍प महर्जन
    पुष्‍प महर्जन- Thanks for these notes on hyd power engineering, this is helpful.
  • उषा सुवेदी
    उषा सुवेदी- Thanks for this compiled notes, this is helpful.
  • टासी मानन्धर
    टासी मानन्धर- "The importance of balancing water supply and power generation in Pokhara University." "Hydel Power Plant design involves understanding renewable energy sources" "Pokhara University Engineering Note: Hydroelectric power plants require careful analysis & planning."
  • शोभा लामा
    शोभा लामा- "Hydroelectric project design requires careful study of reservoir dynamics and available resources." "Pokhara University Engineering notes cover basic principles behind hydro power generation systems." "Study the relationship between water flow rate and output generated from a dam." "No other engineering discipline involves as many variables as hydropower."