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Tak Bahadur Gulami Textbook

Engineering Professional Practice

Civil Engineering

Seventh Semester

Comprehensive Textbook


  • नविन च्यामे
    नविन च्यामे- Thanks for note that the textbook has a comprehensive structure making it easy to apply to various engineering problems.
  • अलंकार अधिकारी
    अलंकार अधिकारी- Thanks for this comprehensive textbook covering the professional practice of engineering. This is helpful.
  • डोमा मानन्धर
    डोमा मानन्धर- Discussing the importance of Pokhara University Engineering Notes in achieving best professional practice skills.
  • ईन्दु श्रेष्‍ठ
    ईन्दु श्रेष्‍ठ- Pokhara University Engineering Note recommends utilizing "Civil Engineering principles" in course studies."