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Handwritten Notes (Alternate)

Design of RCC Structures

Civil Engineering

Seventh Semester

Alternate Handwritten Notes


  • डा. जैन
    डा. जैन- Thanks for this note. This topic helps me understand the concept of design of reinforced concrete structures.
  • सफराज हायजु
    सफराज हायजु- Thanks for this note for additional info, Alternate Handwritten Notes is an essential part of solid foundation. This concept is crucial in the design of reinforced concrete structures as it provides necessary support to the structure. Additionally to its strength RCC structures require proper detailing and reinforcement. The alternate handwritten notes have greatly helped me in better understanding the importance of these aspects. Thanks for this note for additional info, Alternate Handwritten Notes is an essential part of solid foundation. This concept is crucial in the design of reinforced concrete structures as it provides necessary support to the structure. As per recent developments this method would enhance the performance and durability of RCC structures at ground level. Thanks for this note for additional info, Alternate Handwritten Notes is an essential part of solid foundation. This concept is crucial in the design of reinforced concrete structures as it provides necessary support to the structure. Alternate handwritten notes should be a priority for students who are learning about structure analysis. Thanks for this note for additional info, Alternate Handwritten Notes is an essential part of solid foundation. This concept is crucial in the design of reinforced concrete structures as it provides necessary support to the structure. I have improved my understanding and appreciation of alternate written notes which is beneficial in understanding other disciplines that are related to RCC structures. Thanks for this note for additional info, Alternate Handwritten Notes is an essential part of solid foundation. This concept is crucial in the design of reinforced concrete structures as it provides necessary support to the structure. Understanding these alternate handwritten notes and its applications will lead me towards a more comprehensive approach in studying RCC structures.
  • श्रीमती विना मानन्धर
    श्रीमती विना मानन्धर- The design of reinforced concrete (RCC) structures requires considering factors such as stress distribution, load-bearing capacity, and durability. When selecting a location for a RCC structure in Pokhara University, elevation and exposure to wind and rain should be considered. Pokhara University Engineering notes recommend using local materials and designs that are robust against floods and landslides. A hybrid design combining RCC with traditional Nepali masonry techniques can provide additional strength and resistance to environmental factors.
  • हरि अग्रवाल
    हरि अग्रवाल- "Engineering Mathematics for RC Channels and Arch Footings."