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Handwritten Note


Civil Engineering

Second Semester

Handwritten - Note 2


  • अदिती के.सी.
    अदिती के.सी.- Thanks for this note highlighting interesting geological formations during our field trip to natural resource deposits.
  • विष्‍णु तुलाधर
    विष्‍णु तुलाधर- Thanks for this detailed explanation of geology notes, this is helpful.
  • श्रीमती कमला ढङ्गेल
    श्रीमती कमला ढङ्गेल- Assessing rock deformations through creep test analysis at Chitrunath Mandir, Pokhara University Engineering notes.
  • रिता बस्नेत
    रिता बस्नेत- The complex geological formations in Pokhara are a significant reminder of the region's tectonic history.