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Applied Mechanics

Civil Engineering

Second Semester

Manual 2


  • मीरा श्रेष्ठ
    मीरा श्रेष्ठ- Thanks for this note with information on manual 1, this can help me refer to the material on applied mechanics in class.
  • प्रिती जैन
    प्रिती जैन- Thanks for these notes, this helps me understand more about the course material. This is helpful. Thanks for these class notes, as they complement out other study materials in our second semester of coursework. This is helpful. Thanks for these notes from the applied mechanics manual with pages 3 to 4 included.
  • सगुन तिवारी
    सगुन तिवारी- Here's a potential comment for "Applied Mechanics" by Pokhara University Engineering, covering key topics in the field of Civil Engineering: "Involving static and dynamic forces through equilibrium conditions with respect to loads, resulting in deformation based upon stress distribution."
  • श्रीमती बिणा (धेके)
    श्रीमती बिणा (धेके)- "Provides essential concepts in applied mechanics for civil engineering students at Pokhara University."