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Handwritten Note


Civil Engineering

Second Semester

Handwritten - Note 3


  • कृष्ण मल्ल
    कृष्ण मल्ल- Thanks for this note, a reference to course materials. This is helpful.
  • मिरा क्षेत्री
    मिरा क्षेत्री- Thanks for this note that I will add to my study materials, this is helpful.
  • मुकुन्द श्रेष्‍ठ
    मुकुन्द श्रेष्‍ठ- Analyzing earth formation using hand drawn - notes on Pokhara University Engineering
  • श्रीमान मनोज लामा
    श्रीमान मनोज लामा- Assessing geological formations in Pokhara university's location is essential for civil engineering projects.