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Handwritten Notes

Problem Solving Techniques (PST)

IT Engineering

First Semester

Handwritten Note for PST


  • ऋशु मानन्धर
    ऋशु मानन्धर- Thanks for this detailed resource, here is a helpful link with suggested problem-solving techniques and examples for various cases.
  • मदन मानन्धर
    मदन मानन्धर- Thanks for this handout, this is helpful.
  • रेखा उपाध्‍याय
    रेखा उपाध्‍याय- This course provides essential techniques to analyze and approach problems effectively in engineering fields. Understanding concept building blocks like Pokhara University Engineering notes is key to success through solving such problems fluently.
  • रतन (क्षेत्री)
    रतन (क्षेत्री)- This course focuses on developing problem-solving techniques using mathematical approaches Pokhara University Engineering Note