इच्छा क्षेत्री- Thanks for this comprehensive notes on Soil Mechanics, these detailed Chapter Notes will come in handy. Thank you 4 providing these.
रामचन्द्र देउजा- Thanks for this comprehensive note, this will be helpful as a review resource.
श्रीमान रवि अग्रवाल- "Chapter 9 Soils under Compaction and Caving is crucial, highlighting factors influencing mechanical behavior of soils."
"Soil compaction significantly affects soil stiffness, density, and porosity in porous soils."
"Caving model shows a clear relationship between pore pressure and shear strength loss in over consolidated soil types."
This could be improved with detailed note on Chapter 5.
सुश्री रजिता उपाध्याय- Pokhara University Engineering Notes Soils and Geotechnical Engineering chapters 1-7 are comprehensive coverage of principles.