सरिता राजकर्णिकार- Thanks for this note on assigning and grading various engineering economics problems, this helps me in understanding what kind of questions are being asked and how to prepare.
ऋषिकेस ढुङ्गेल- Thanks for this note about assignment on Civil Engineering. This course has been very informative so far and I'm looking forward to finding some solutions to the problems given in it. Assignment
निर्मल लोहनी- Pokhara University Engineering note This assignment involves creating a cost-benefit analysis of a proposed irrigation system improvement in Kathmandu valley.
रश्मि सुवेदी- Determining the profitability of construction projects is a crucial aspect of civil engineering economics, with complex calculations and dependencies on various site-specific factors.
Pokhara University Engineering Notes - Case Studies
Pokhara University Engineering Note - Economic Analysis in Construction Projects