सरस्वती श्रेष्ठ- Thanks for this note compiled notes, 4th semester civil engineering.
दिपक कंसाकार- Thanks for this compilation of notes on soil mechanics. This is helpful.
रजनी ठुकरी- Compiling notes on soil mechanics for fourth sem. of civil engineering from Pokhara University. Review of Mohr's circle equations and limits of shear stress in saturated clays is key.
मनीषा कक्षपति- Rohan, for soil mechanics notes in Pokhara university civil engineering semester fourth compiled 2019-2020 Pokhara uie note - Chapter 10 static properties p61 and properties of fine p64 p67 - Chapter 11 behavior of particles under load in soil pi71 - chapter 12 strength reduction factor p85 p86 p87 p87 - Chapter 13 bearing capacity p88