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Note by Sumit Poudel

Surveying II

Civil Engineering

Fourth Semester

Compiled Notes


  • शान्त श्रेष्‍ठ
    शान्त श्रेष्‍ठ- Thanks for this syllabus, note that covers a lot of Civil Engineering concepts in the fourth semester.
  • मुरारीलाल अग्रवाल
    मुरारीलाल अग्रवाल- Thanks for this compiled notes on Surveying II, as a civil engineering student. This helps with understanding concepts and studying better for the course.
  • दिपीन श्रेष्‍ठ
    दिपीन श्रेष्‍ठ- This course covers site investigation techniques for structural surveys, remote sensing technologies, and field measurements. Pokhara University Engineering notes focus on site-specific surveying approaches and data management strategies. Sumit Poudel's compiled notes emphasize the importance of precision engineering calculations in surveying applications.
  • सुप्रभा ढुङ्गेल
    सुप्रभा ढुङ्गेल- Pokhara university engineering notes are crucial for final year students. Pokhara University Civil Engineering department is renowned for its high-quality courses and faculty. Surveying I and II play vital roles in building design and construction processes. The concepts such as triangulation, trilaterating points and distance formulas are essential to understand the spatial relationships between objects.