अभिषेक राठौर- Thanks for this post, this is helpful. The problem mentioned in the title refers to 'Old Question Solution (Alternate)'. It appears that this solution offers an alternative approach to a common hydraulic problem.
The solution describes a situation where two pipes are in line with each other and are connected at one end. Due to their shared valve and check valves, the liquid inside flows downwards when both pipes are open, resulting in an unbalanced pressure between them.
To resolve this issue, the alternate solution involves routing a new pipe parallel to the first that opens at the bottom rather than the top of the existing pipes, so the liquids can flow through it without interference.
तोलाराम बेगानी- Solving hydraulics problems using Bernoulli's principle requires an understanding of fluid dynamics and flow rates in pipe networks. Consider optimizing piping configurations for minimal pressure losses by using triangular flares and venting techniques to reduce friction and increase discharge.
राजिव पौडेल- Pokhara University, Nepal
Hydraulic designs in water resources
Solved questions in civil department and their solution method