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Complete Manual


Civil Engineering

Fourth Semester

Comprehensive Guide


  • भगवती सिल्वाल
    भगवती सिल्वाल- Thanks for this comprehensive guide to hydraulics, this is really helpful.
  • दिपक जोशी
    दिपक जोशी- Thanks for this note on Comprehensive Guide, this is helpful.
  • शोभा खनाल
    शोभा खनाल- Civil Engineer's Perspective The Pokhara University Engineering note provides a comprehensive guide to hydraulic engineering principles, including pressure flow rate and fluid velocity calculations.
  • शान्ती श्रेष्ठ
    शान्ती श्रेष्ठ- "The Complete Manual on Hydraulics at Pokhara University's Engineering Department provides a detailed comprehensive guide for civil engineering students."