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Solar Cell


Civil Engineering

First Semester

Solar Cell Technology


  • सृजन गौतम
    सृजन गौतम- Thanks for this note on solar cell technology {University Name} {Facultycapital}, a crucial area of research in the field of photovoltaics, enabling efficient conversion of sunlight into electrical energy.
  • अदिती श्रेष्‍ठ
    अदिती श्रेष्‍ठ- Thanks for this article on solar cell technology, this is helpful.
  • नरपल रेग्मी
    नरपल रेग्मी- Solar cell technology utilizes semiconductors to harness energy from sunlight.
  • सुश्री संगिता थापा
    सुश्री संगिता थापा- Understanding the basics of solar cell technology in civil engineering is crucial for designing efficient power generation systems.