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Digital Notes

Engineering Hydrology

Civil Engineering

Fifth Semester

Digital Notes


  • छवि सिंह
    छवि सिंह- Thanks for this collection of notes, this will be helpful when I'm planning my exam.
  • प्रतिभा श्रेष्‍ठ
    प्रतिभा श्रेष्‍ठ- Thanks for this digital notes on engineering hydrology, providing valuable insights. This is helpful.
  • समीना बज्राचार्य
    समीना बज्राचार्य- Thanks for this note. This resource looks useful for studying engineering hydrology, a subject that combines water resources and hydraulics to design systems like dams and levees, as well as predict the flow of rivers during heavy rainfall events.
  • डा. थापा
    डा. थापा- Students can learn and retain information about engineering hydrology through Pokhara University's note system." Engineering Hyrolgy Notes Pokhara University Engineering Note. Digital Learning Resources."
  • सुशिल सुवाल
    सुशिल सुवाल- The applications of Pokhara University Engineering students in hydrology research projects are vast, and understanding complex concepts like storm surges is crucial for designing sustainable systems.
  • प्रसङ्ग तुलाधर
    प्रसङ्ग तुलाधर- Digital notes help engineers understand hydrology concepts thoroughly. Understanding the principles of stream flow and drainage is essential for civil engineering projects in Pokhara University .