श्री बासु राणा- Thanks for the structural analysis of notes to remember key concepts. This is helpful.
चन्द्र (न्यौपाने)- "Understanding the structural components of a bridge to solidify my understanding."
"Thanks for this note Quick Revision, this is helpful."
डा. लोहनी- Thanks for quick revision notes on Structure Analysis 2, focusing on basics and fundamentals as per Civil Engineering course. This is helpful.
सुश्री ल्हाजी मानन्धर- Thanks for this revision notes, this helps.
ज्यास्मीन जोशी- Review notes on structure analysis, Pokhara University Civil Engineering course, to identify important concepts and formulae.
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Quick Revision Notes Pokhara University Civil Notes for Structure Analysis 2, Semester Fifth faculty Title Quick Revision of structure analysis.
श्रीमती अनिता श्रेष्ठ- "Understanding reinforced design, beam analysis, and structural integrity using Pokhara University engineering notes."