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Water Supply Engineering

Civil Engineering

Fifth Semester



  • मानसी प्रधानाङ
    मानसी प्रधानाङ- Thanks for this note on Water Supply Engineering, it's helpful to know who you are and what area of engineering.
  • श्रीमती ज्ञानहेरा मल्ल
    श्रीमती ज्ञानहेरा मल्ल- Thanks for this note on Water Supply Engineering, helping me understand my course requirements for fifth semester with Civil faculty.
  • कमल भुजू
    कमल भुजू- Thanks for this note about water supply engineering, this is helpful.
  • बिणा राजकर्णिकार
    बिणा राजकर्णिकार- Thanks for this note related to water supply engineering, it's indeed helpful.
  • शान्ता डंगोल
    शान्ता डंगोल- Manual on water supply engineering focuses on design principles and operations in developing countries like Pokhara, Nepal.
  • कविता तुलाधर
    कविता तुलाधर- Water supply engineering involves designing systems for efficient distribution.
  • उषा भट्टराई
    उषा भट्टराई- Water supply systems require comprehensive designs utilizing hydrology and sanitary engineering principles at Pokhara University.